There is a new pond keeping website -
This is packed full of free information to help new and experienced pond keepers keep fish better - and enjoy their pond more.
Over a period of 15 years, I wrote and had published nearly 300 articles in the specialist aquatic press - published in the UK, USA and Europe. Rather than let them gather dust on my hard drive - I have created the new website:
The name of the website is taken from the title of a book that I was asked to write for the USA pond keeping readership. The team I worked with were so professional and skilled, that they produced an excellent book from my material. The prject soon grew, and the USA version was translated (yes - translated) into English. Did you know an English gallon is bigger than a US gallon? So a ten gallon hat is really a 9 gallon hat! The Water Gardeners Bible (USA) became Water Gardens (UK) and has also been translated and published in French - Encyclopedie Visuelle des Bassins.
The articles on my website cover topics from installing a pond, choosing and intridcing fish, keeping a pond free of algae and choosign the best pond equipment to do so. There are even tips what to do when moving house and going on holiday.
Have a look - and see if I can help in any way.
Happy Ponding
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